Friday 5 August 2016

What Tokyo is really like

Hello! It's been a while since there have been updates on this blog, and a lot has changed since the last post. We used to live in Papua New Guinea when The last post was posted. But, Late last year and in mid-2016, we have parted our ways and are now living in Japan and America.
When I used to live in Papua New Guinea, everyone that I came across happened to have a very wrong interpretation of Japan. To all those foreigners who are trying to learn more about this country, this is what Japan's really like:

Monday 17 August 2015

using time effectively

Image from
Time always flies when you need it and it slows down when it's absolutely boring. We all have experiences concerning time problems. I leave everything till the last minute and I always freak out, looking back on all the time that I've wasted. This post is about how to use time effectively. (It actually works)

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Five things people do on the internet that are useless

Although the internet is a great way to get information, it is filled with a bunch of idiots that don't know what the heck they are doing with their lives.  This is five things people do on the internet that are useless and a big waste of time.

Saturday 8 August 2015

the one and only way to get rid of awful odor

from return of kings
I'm probably not the only one affected by awful odor. Whether it is you sock, you hat, you room,this method works almost all the time. All you have to do is:

Use baking soda paste

Basically, baking soda paste is baking soda and water added to make a paste. It is so much cheaper and easier that any other deodorising methods out there and it works like magic. It even works better than bleach.

1. Get baking powder into a container e.g. a bowl and add water until it becomes a paste
2. Spread on the surface 
3. Wait unti dry
4. Wash it off or scrape it off

Saturday 1 August 2015

types of people on the phone

People sound different and act different on the phone. Here are just a few examples.

1. The no difference

These people sound and act the exactly same on the phone as they are normally. Most people fail under this category.

2. The static 

These people sound like there is a bad case of static. Just yesterday, I called this cinema to check the time and I was literally standing on my bed on tip toes. But then I figured out that it was just the guy breathing onto the phone like he was having an asthma attack.

3. The murmurer

I honestly have no idea what they say. And then there's this awkward moment where you have to think of an excuse to get them to say it again in a clearer voice.

Saturday 18 July 2015

how to keep your school notebook tidy

School notebooks are not supposed to be neat, in my opinion. But teachers think otherwise. Our notebooks are expected to be super artistic. Plus, they expects us to write down everything. First of all, their classes don't even make sense half of the time. But, if you want to make your notebooks appear a bit better, just follow these tips.

1. Use two color variations of pens and highlighters+one pencil only.

This is what I use :

In case you'you're wondering...
yes, I do love Japanese stationery. 

2. Don't use glue, use a stapler

Thereq are lots of small staplers that are available for cheap.

3. Color code ALOT

I don't know why, but color coding just makes everything look so much more artistic and neat. (Though not readable )

4. Practice your handwriting

If the reason why your notes are untidy is because you have bad handwriting, you should probably improve it. 

Saturday 4 July 2015

Places to visit in cairns, Australia

Hi! I am so sorry that I couldn't post anything for a while. Our internet was down. And this week, I am in Cairns, Australia and you would not believe me but the hotel internet cost $15/hr. But now, we moved to another  hotel and we get free good internet now.

So... let's get back to the topic.

I am loving Cairns so far, and I am sure many of  you will, too. The only thing  is that everything cost alot and that you will have a hard time getting free good internet.

1. Kuranda
2. Green island and the crocodile zoo in it - there is a 110 year old giant croc there
3. Platypus
4. Rusty's market